Top 10 health benefits of green tea

March 8, 2024

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<h2 class="p3">What is green tea?</h2>
<p class="p3">All types of tea are made from the camellia sinensis plant. <a href="/glossary/green-tea-glossary" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><span class="s4">Green tea</span></a> gets its name from the emerald green colour created when brewing these unprocessed, unfermented leaves.</p>
<p class="p3">With origins dating as far back as 5,000 years, green tea is commonly drunk and grown in East Asia where the health properties are highly valued.</p>
<p class="p3">Green tea benefits include:</p>
<ul class="ul1">
<li class="li3">High in protective plant compounds called polyphenols</li>
<li class="li3">May support focus and attention</li>
<li class="li3">May promote calm</li>
<li class="li3">May protect the brain</li>
<li class="li3">May boost metabolism</li>
<li class="li3">May support blood sugar control</li>
<li class="li3">May reduce diabetes risk</li>
<li class="li3">May reduce the risk of heart disease</li>
<li class="li3">May support bone health</li>
<li class="li3">May improve gut health</li>
<p class="p3"><b>Discover our full range of </b><a href="/howto/guide/collection/ingredient-focus" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><span class="s4"><b>health benefit guides</b></span></a><b> and read more about the profile of other teas in our series: including </b><a href="/howto/guide/health-benefits-ginger-tea" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><span class="s4"><b>ginger tea</b></span></a><b>, </b><a href="/howto/guide/health-benefits-peppermint-tea" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><span class="s4"><b>peppermint tea</b></span></a><b>, </b><a href="/howto/guide/health-benefits-chamomile-tea" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><span class="s4"><b>chamomile tea</b></span></a><b> and </b><a href="/howto/guide/health-benefits-of-rooibos-tea" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><span class="s4"><b>rooibos tea</b></span></a><b>.</b></p>
<h2 class="p3">Nutritional profile of green tea</h2>
<p class="p3">The drink’s primary nutritional benefits lie in the active plant compounds it contains. These include epicatechin, gallic acid and epigallocatechin.</p>
<p class="p3">The tea you use, the temperature and the steeping time all have a significant effect on the <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><span class="s4">levels of these compounds</span></a>. Warm and ambient temperatures are best to retain antioxidant compounds, so allow the boiled water to cool slightly before pouring over the tea leaves, and steep for between 2-3 minutes.</p>
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<h2 class="p3">What are the top 10 health benefits of green tea?</h2>
<h3 class="p3"><b>1. High in protective plant compounds called polyphenols</b></h3>
<p class="p3">Compounds called polyphenols are known to protect the body against disease and make an important contribution towards a healthy, balanced diet. These antioxidant compounds are found in a wide range of fruit, vegetables and other unprocessed foods.</p>
<p class="p3">Green tea has <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><span class="s4">numerous health benefits</span></a> many of which are attributed to the fact that it is largely unprocessed and rich in these plant compounds. The main bioactive compounds in green tea are <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><span class="s4">flavonoids</span></a>, with the most potent being <a href="!divAbstract" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><span class="s4">catechins and epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG)</span></a>.</p>
<h3 class="p3"><b>2. May support focus and attention </b></h3>
<p class="p3">Green tea contains a number of <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><span class="s4">natural stimulants</span></a>, including <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><span class="s4">caffeine</span></a>, which although not at the same levels as that found in coffee, may still help maintain <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><span class="s4">alertness and focus</span></a>.</p>
<h3 class="p3"><b>3. May promote calm </b></h3>
<p class="p3">Green tea is a source of the amino acid <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><span class="s4">L-theanine</span></a>, which has a relaxing effect; it does this by increasing <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><span class="s4">mood-enhancing</span></a> brain chemicals including GABA, dopamine and serotonin.</p>
<h3 class="p3"><b>4. May protect the brain </b></h3>
<p class="p3">The beneficial polyphenols of green tea may help <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><span class="s4">slow the damaging effects of aging</span></a> on the brain.</p>
<h3 class="p3"><b>5. May boost metabolism</b></h3>
<p class="p3"><a href=",may%20lead%20to%20weight%20loss" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><span class="s5">Research </span></a>suggests that green tea may exert a small weight loss in overweight or obese people. This is thought to be thanks to the natural thermogenic properties provided by caffeine, and by the plant compounds such as <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><span class="s4">catechins</span></a>.</p>
<h3 class="p3"><b>6. May support blood sugar control</b></h3>
<p class="p3">Studies suggest green tea may improve <a href=",%3C%200.001)%2C%20than%20baseline" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><span class="s5">insulin sensitivity</span></a> and as a result have a beneficial effect on blood sugar management.</p>
<h3 class="p3"><b>7. May reduce diabetes risk</b></h3>
<p class="p3">Tea polyphenols have the ability to <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><span class="s4">inhibit digestive enzymes</span></a> like lactase and delay the uptake of glucose (sugar) in the gut, this has led some studies to conclude that a consistent intake (over a lifetime) of polyphenols from the likes of green tea may be as effective as some medication in reducing the risk of diabetes; however, more studies are needed.</p>
<h3 class="p3"><b>8. May reduce the risk of heart disease</b></h3>
<p class="p3"><span class="s4"><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Research</a></span> suggests green tea is a useful beverage for helping to reduce the risk of <a href=",cup%20green%20tea%20per%20day" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><span class="s5">heart disease</span></a> and associated conditions, such as <a href=",CI%2C%200.66%2D0.83" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><span class="s5">stroke</span></a>. One way it may help is in its beneficial effects on <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><span class="s4">cholesterol</span></a> management.</p>
<h3 class="p3"><b>9. May support bone health</b></h3>
<p class="p3">Green tea may help <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><span class="s4">maintain bone density</span></a> and as a result reduce the risk of fracture. The protective effect is thought to be thanks to the <span class="s4">tea’s </span><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><span class="s4">polyphenol content</span></a>.</p>
<h3 class="p3"><b>10. May improve gut health</b></h3>
<p class="p3">Plant compounds like polyphenols, including those from tea, pass unabsorbed to the large intestine where they are broken down by gut bacteria. In this way they provide a source of <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><span class="s4">fuel for the beneficial bacteria</span></a> that reside in this part of the gut, allowing them to thrive and diversify and helping to improve gut function and modify the immune system.</p>
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<h2 class="p3"><b>Is green tea safe for everyone?</b></h2>
<p class="p3">If you’ve been diagnosed with iron-deficiency anaemia you should be aware that, like other teas, <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><span class="s4">green tea</span></a> contains natural compounds called tannins. These compounds interfere with the absorption of <a href="/howto/guide/spotlight-high-iron" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><span class="s4">iron</span></a> – for this reason it’s useful to avoid drinking tea with an iron-rich meal and leave at least one hour before having a brew.</p>
<p class="p3">Because of green tea’s beneficial effects, a number of ‘health’ products include traces of green tea. However, there is limited evidence to suggest these products are effective. If you are hoping to use green tea for medicinal purposes, refer to your GP to ensure you may do so without risk to your health.</p>
<p class="p3">If you are sensitive to caffeine, it is advisable to limit the total number of caffeinated drinks you drink in a day. Too much caffeine may disrupt sleep and, in some people, increase <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><span class="s4">anxiety</span></a>; if this is relevant to you, look to reduce your intake and aim to have your last caffeinated drink at about 12 noon.</p>
<h2 class="p3"><b>Overall, is green tea healthy?</b></h2>
<p class="p3">Green tea offers numerous health benefits – it’s a relaxing drink that helps increase our attention and focus, is heart-friendly, good for the gut and may help manage blood sugar. It offers a useful option if you are looking for a flavourful, low-calorie, unsweetened hot drink with less caffeine than coffee.</p>
<p class="p3"><b>Looking for more information on </b><a href="/howto/guide/how-much-caffeine-tea" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><span class="s4"><b>how much caffeine is in tea</b></span></a><b>? Our in-depth guide compares different types of tea and discusses which factors affect the caffeine content.</b></p>
<h2 class="p3">Enjoyed this? Now try…</h2>
<p class="p1"><a href="/howto/guide/top-10-health-benefits-of-tea" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Top 10 health benefits of tea</a><br>
<a href="/health/top-7-health-benefits-of-matcha-tea" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Top 7 health benefits of matcha tea</a><br>
<a href="/howto/guide/what-is-matcha" target="_blank" rel="noopener">What is matcha?</a><br>
<a href="/howto/guide/guide-tea-types">Types of tea: the ultimate guide</a><br>
<a href="/howto/guide/spotlight-caffeine" target="_blank" rel="noopener">How much caffeine should I drink?</a></p>
<p><em>This article was reviewed on 20 February 2024 by Kerry Torrens.</em></p>
<p><em><a href="/author/jolewin">Jo Lewin</a> is a registered nutritionist (RNutr) with the Association for Nutrition with a specialism in public health. Follow her on Twitter <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">@nutri_jo</a>.</em></p>
<p class="p1"><i>Kerry Torrens BSc. (Hons) PgCert MBANT is a Registered Nutritionist with a post graduate diploma in Personalised Nutrition &amp; Nutritional Therapy. She is a member of the British Association for Nutrition and Lifestyle Medicine (BANT) and a member of the Guild of Food Writers. Over the last 15 years she has been a contributing author to a number of nutritional and cookery publications including BBC Good Food. Find her on Instagram at </i><a href=""><span class="s1"><i>@kerry_torrens_nutrition_</i></span></a></p>
<p><em>All health content on is provided for general information only, and should not be treated as a substitute for the medical advice of your own doctor or any other health care professional. If you have any concerns about your general health, you should contact  your local health care provider. See our website <a style="color: #59a399" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">terms and conditions</a> for more information.</em></p>

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